Mormon Temple Marriages have only 6% Divorce Rate
The first site shows information on the various divorce rates among various Christian denominations and other groups. The interesting thing is that atheists have the lowest rate at 21%. You can view this site at this link: Baptists Most Likely to Divorce.
Now, you’ll notice on that report that although 'Baptists are the most likely to divorce,' Mormons have a 24% divorce rate, which is only 2% lower.

However, there is one exception: Mormon Temple marriages. Those Mormons that Marry in the Temple have only a 6% divorce rate. You can view this information at this site: In Era of Divorce, Mormon Temple Weddings Are Built to Last. You will notice that this article gives reasons of why the divorce rate for temple marriages is significantly lower. This list includes the following reasons:
1. They Date within their Faith
2. They Make Sure they’re Committed to their Faith
3. They get their Lives Squared Away before Marriage
4. They Make the Wedding Ceremony Sacred
5. They Marry for Eternity
6. They Believe the Family that Prays together Stays together
7. They Get Help when they have a Problem
8. They Believe Children Create a Happy Marriage
9. They have Family Home Evening every Monday Night
10. The LDS church and active members discourage divorce.
Barna report: Variation in divorce rates among Christian faith groups:
Denomination (in order of decreasing divorce rate) % who have been divorced
Non-denominational ** 34%
Baptists 29%
Mainline Protestants 25%
Mormons 24%
Catholics 21%
Lutherans 21%
** Barna uses the term "non-denominational" to refer to Evangelical Christian congregations that are not affiliated with a specific denomination. The vast majority are fundamentalist in their theological beliefs.
The Barna Research Group's national study showed that members of nondenominational churches divorce 34 percent of the time in contrast to 25 percent for the general population. Nondenominational churches would include large numbers of Bible churches and other conservative evangelicals. Baptists had the highest rate of the major denominations: 29 percent. Born-again Christians' rate was 27 percent. To make matters even more distressing for believers, atheists/agnostics had the lowest rate of divorce 21 percent.
A great post!
This research is so interesting! Thank you so much for sharing the statistics! I completely agree with you that faith may reinforce a couple's understanding that marriage is sacred. Still, sometimes divorcing may be the only way to continue leading a happy life. In case you are interested, please, click here to find out the average divorce cost in different US states.
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