New and Everlasting Covenant

Joseph Fielding Smith taught:

“The New and Everlasting Covenant is the fullness of the gospel. It is composed of ‘All covenants, contracts, bonds, obligations, oaths, vows, performances, connections, associations, or expectations’ that are sealed upon members of the Church by the Holy Spirit of Promise, or the Holy Ghost, by the authority of the President of the Church who holds the keys. . . Marriage for eternity is a new and everlasting covenant. Baptism is also a new and everlasting covenant, and likewise ordination to the priesthood, and every other covenant is everlasting and a part of the new and everlasting covenant which embraces all things.” (Answers to Gospel Questions, 1:65)

(posted by Adam)
I had an institute teacher who was learned in some Hebrew, and he talked about the significance of Abram and Sarai's names being changed to Abraham and Sarah. Apparently the character (in Hebrew) that was added to their names, which represents the letter H, fits into the word for Jehovah. (see this wiki article for the Hebrew word) In the word Jehovah, one of the characters is male and the other female, and they are joined in the middle by a character referencing--you guessed it--a nail.

Also from D&C 132:18 - it talks about a man and a woman being "joined" by Christ, or by "my word," which makes a lot of sense if you think of Christ as "the Word."
So, when we are sealed to our spouse we are symbolically joined by Christ, on the alter.

...not only are we symbolizing Christ in the sealing, but we are symbolically spelling out Jehovah. Therefore, it makes sense to equate the new and everlasting covenant of marriage with the atonement.

Also see:
Eternal Marriage
New and Everlasting Covenant

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